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21 September 2023

Introducing the finalists who will face off in the national round of the FameLab science stand-up competition on Tuesday 26 September 2023. Come to the Faculty of Humanities to support nine promising science popularizers and give them your vote. Registration is still open.

1. Tereza Pluskalová

Kde se minulost potkává s budoucností? / Where the past meets the future?

Faculty of Arts of Charles University

Where does the Czech government reside? And what does that have to do with Straka, the hospital or the dormitory? The history of the Straka Academy interestingly documents the complex development of Czech history through the example of a foundation that had a noble goal and was given little opportunity to fulfil it. Despite the important role the Straka Academy plays today, it has never been subjected to historical research and its past therefore remains partly hidden. The number of simple articles that were written before the beginning of PhDr. Tereza Pluskalová's research can be counted on the fingers of one hand.

2. Pavel Ruzyak

Filmování ve tmě / Filming in the Dark

Hussite Theological Faculty of Charles University / Osvěta z.s. Prague

Filming and blind people. Two seemingly incompatible categories. However, the opposite is true, with the help of innovative technologies and research which I want to present to you.

3. Lucie Vránová

Football – LIVE: Virus vs. Immunity / Fotbal – ŽIVĚ: Virus vs. Imunita

Faculty of Science of Charles University

A third year PhD student in Virology is working on a project related to immune response against viruses, especially SARS-CoV-2 and BK polyomavirus. For almost three years, she has been trying to popularize science - virology, immunology and molecular biology - on her Instagram and website.

"I'm fueled by coffee and chocolate and trying to understand how something invisible like a virus can sometimes be so harmful while so beautiful!"

4. Marek Brousil

Zprasená játra – nová naděje / Development of pig-derived human liver transplants

Lékařská fakulta v Plzni / Biomedicínské centrum – Laboratoř nádorové léčby a regenerace tkáně

Without a liver, one simply cannot live – it performs a significant part of metabolism, detoxification, and many other functions. Liver failure is addressed through transplantation, but how do we deal with a shortage of suitable donor organs? At the Biomedical Center in Plzeň, we are working on an ambitious plan. It is theoretically possible to replace pig liver cells with human cells. Will we succeed, and will there be a revolution in transplant medicine one day that will save many lives?

"Those who ruin their livers will get piggy livers. Despite promising results, a long journey towards our goal still lies ahead of us. So, don't drink too much!"

5. Tereza Pavlíková

Tak trochu Kinder Surprise / Sort of Kinder Surprise

Faculty of Science Masaryk University

What do we love about a Kinder Egg? Sweetness with a surprise. And what surprises do apples hide?

6. Sudha Prathyusha Jakkaladiki

Život mezi 0 a 1 pomocí fuzzy logiky / Life In between 0 and 1 Through Fuzzy Logic

Faculty of Informatics and Management, University of Hradec Králové

We have an infinite numbers family between 0 and 1, means infinite numbers mathematically leading to infinite probabilities, probabilities are very great and embedded with possibilities. Why do we need fuzzy logic? to examine the inaccuracies of the possibilities and to find the degree of the uncertainties of the life.

7. Marie Pangrácová

Skryté tajemství dlouhověkosti termitích králů a královen / The Hidden Secret of the Longevity of Termite Kings and Queens

Faculty of Science of Charles University

The hidden secret of the longevity of termite queens and kings: Will research on long-lived termite kings and queens help us understand the processes that take place in their bodies and thus reveal the secret of long life? Will we find out that by a comparative study with short-lived termite workers and soldiers with whom they share the same genetic information and habitat? Will we this way, in addition to new knowledge about the special "repairing" enzyme telomerase, also get the recipe for the "elixir of youth"? 

8. Zuzana Osifová

Nukleární magnetická rezonance - jaderná zbraň nebo nedestruktivní analytická metoda? / Nuclear Magnetic Resonance - a nuclear weapon or non-destructive analytical method?

Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry of the Czech Academy of Sciences

Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy is a powerful tool for determining the structure of organic compounds and their interactions. Most synthetic chemists cannot imagine their lives without NMR. Without NMR spectra, it is impossible to correctly describe a potential drug!

"I am a PhD student in organic chemistry at Charles University. Besides studying hydrogen bonding interactions, I write short stories, read a huge number of books and drink coffee."

9. Zuzana Procházková

Bude dnes pršet? / Is it gonna rain today?

Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University

Why can't weather forecasts be completely precise? Let's take a peek inside the forecasting model.

Let's dive into the inner workings of numerical weather prediction models. We'll explore how these models operate, especially when it comes to small-scale processes. Our example will focus on rainfall predictions, but fear not; we won't skip over atmospheric gravitational waves either.

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