On the weekend of 16th and 17th September, the Masterclass training for the finalists of the national round took place. This intensive workshop honed our young scientists in the areas of science communication, popularizing science topics, communicating with the media, as well as stepping out of their comfort zone, working with their voice, and relieving stress while speaking. Nine talented contestants shared their scientific passion and sought ways to engage a wider audience under the guidance of tutors Jat Dhillon and Malcolm Love from the UK.
During the Masterclass, participants also had the opportunity to meet last year's winner, Eliška Jandová, who is establishing herself as a science communicator. The Masterclass training not only helped the contestants improve their communication skills, but also allowed them to make new contacts.
We would like to thank all participants for their enthusiasm and commitment and hope that this experience will help them to further develop their skills in science popularization.
We would also like to thank the Hybernská Campus, which provided its facilities, contributing to the positive atmosphere of the meeting and supporting our budding science communicators.
You can view more photos from the event in the gallery.